covID-19 UpdATES


⚠️亲爱的EDS学员和朋友们, 因近期感染新冠病毒人员数量增多, EDS从2022年1月1日开始在所有线下课课堂实施以下措施:

1. 请大家登录 my eds, 上传更新疫苗卡(进入my eds点击右上角小头像), 如果您疫苗接种超过6个月, 请上传booster证明. 没有上传疫苗卡照片到my eds的同学请携带纸质或者电子疫苗卡才能进入教室.

2. 如果您近5日内有跨北加州远距离旅行, 请出示3日内的阴性核酸证明.

3. 所有线下课必须全程戴口罩, 保持社交距离, 课间休息喝水请移步室外.

4. 进入教室前所有人测体温.

5. 如果您身体有任何的不适, 请避免参加线下课程。您可以联系EDS客服, 我们会为您换课/退课. 感谢大家的理解与支持.❤️

⚠️Dear EDS Students and Friends, Due to recent increase of Covid-19 cases in the surrounding areas, we have decided to increase our safety precautions to all in-person classes starting from Jan 1st 2022. We will be implementing the following measures:

1. Please upload your most recent Covid-19 vaccination card to your my eds account. If your most recent vaccination passed 6 months, please also upload a proof of booster shot. Otherwise, please bring a physical or digital vaccination card before entering our studios.

2. We require all students to present a negative Covid-19 test results taken within 3 days if you have travelled out of northern CA for the past 5 days.

3. We ask everyone to wear a mask AT ALL TIME in our studios. Please drink water outside during water breaks.

4. We will do temperature check before class starts.

5. If you experience any symptoms, we ask that you do not come to in-person classes. We will help to re-schedule or refund.