San Mateo County Census
Every 10 years, the federal government is required by law to count all residents in the United State regardless of immigration status. It includes citizens, noncitizens, green card holders, working visas, visitor visas and student visas too. The information is used to make sure everyone is equally represented in our political system and government resources are allocated fairly.
Census 2020 is quick and easy to complete. It will only ask for very basic information: how many people live in your home, whether the home is owned or rented, and the name, age, sex, and race of each person. It does not ask your citizenship status. There are only 9 easy questions and it will take about 10 minutes to fill out – but will impact the NEXT 10 YEARS!
Not only is Census 2020 quick and easy, it is safe to complete. No personal details will be shared outside the Census Bureau – not to ICE, FBI, Welfare, or local code or law enforcement.
If you have not responded yet, it is not too late. You still have time to fill out the 2020 census questionnaire. To respond to the 2020 Census now you can visit my2020census.gov or call 844-330-2020.
For more information, you can visit county website www.smccensus.org or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @smc_commaffairs
每十年联邦政府需要统计居住在美国境内的每一个人,无论是怎样的移民身份, 绿卡,工作签证,学生签证还是访客签证,都需要填写。信息主要用于确保我们社区获得平等的政治代表和联邦资源。
如果您还未完成填写,现在还不晚,您可以登陆联邦人口普查局网站my2020census.gov 或电话完成填写:844-330-2020
如需了解更多信息,您可以登陆网站 www.smccensus.org,或在 Twitter 和 Instagram 上 Follow @smc_commaffairs