Happy July 4th! 🥳
Class Schedule · Week 66
Welcome to the 66th week of EDS Livestream! All classes are in PDT, +1h for MTD, +2h for CDT, +3h for EDT. For those who cannot attend the livestream, class recording is available for purchase upon request.
EDS 现已开放湾区私教课及线下小课,报名线下课程的同学请私信小客服 (WeChat: eds-2016)预约排课。
适合纯零基础学生 Hiphop 实用基本功实用 Hiphop基础训练营Hiphop 特邀导师 鬼鬼 2 Class Passes / $10
1 Livestream Class Pass: $5
10 Livestream Class Passes: $40 (Two months valid)
Venmo to eds2016 and have your name and class name in the note.
Your registration is confirmed once payment is made and this form is filled out. You will receive an E-mail with the class link one hour before the class starts. For more questions please contact WeChat: eds-2016